Installing Apache and PHP using Homebrew on macOS and virtual hosts configuration for multiple projects. Prerequisites Make sure you have…
A guide of deploying Laravel application to multiple servers using GitHub Actions without any downtime. This approach also works for…
set up the variables that inertia.js will share with the views The “locale” variable will contain the user’s current language…
Open terminal and run the command under your local folder npm run prod On shared host create new database for…
If you develop using MAMP, you need to use MAMP version’s of php instead the OSX one. 1° Verify which…
1. Allow virtual hosts Mac Open the Apache configuration file with your text editor: Applications > MAMP > conf >…
Step-by-step tutorial: How to install MongoDB without homebrew download MongoDB community server from its official website: Extract downloded file…
Create .babelrc file in the root of your project folder, and paste the following config: Install required dependency Compile react…
What is the cause: The MySQL UNIQUE KEY key length limit is 1000 bytes and the system is trying to…
To create custom multi-auth based on a field in users table then follow the steps: Assuming you have installed Laravel…